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Tuesday, September 6, 2016


The Real Pickles/Hampshire Bicycle Exchange team was well represented at the legendary D2R2 in 2016. This late August dirt road endurance event has a long and daunting history. Dean and I rode the 180k loop, Bob, Phil, Jonathan, and Alex rode the 160k loop, and Adin rode the family ride with his family.

Not only is the 180k ride very long (112 miles in our case) but it has nearly 14,000 feet of elevation gain. I had trained very hard for this event as it would be the longest ride I had ever done and the most elevation gain in a single ride, by far. I was concerned going into the event as Dean had only ridden his gravel bike a few times in the past few months which also equated to not much elevation gain. He had a few flats on his gravel bike the week before and I hoped that he had ironed it out.

We rode with Scott, a friend of a friend of Dean's from PA. He was fit, good natured, and had a Garmin with the course downloaded on it. Scott and the Garmin proved to be a blessing for this undertaking. We got started a half hour later than we had planned but all was good.

Within 10 or so miles Scott had a flat. No worries. We were back rolling within 5 or so minutes. Shortly after this Dean got his first flat. 3 more flats for Dean were to follow, in pretty quick succession. After his forth flat he decided that he should ride to Berkshire East and get his faulty rim tape replaced. Upon arriving at BE we had ridden 37 miles in 5 hours. I was concerned that we would not make the cut off for lunch. 45 minutes later we left BE with Deans problem resolved.
We managed to roll into lunch at 2:00 p.m. with just over 66 miles under our belts. We ate, drank, and rested while Dean contemplated his D2 fate. He had struggled with the hills for the past 20 miles and was discouraged. He decided to ride on feeling refreshed from the meal. We rolled out.
I was a bit concerned that we could end up riding in the dark and hoped for a reasonably brisk pace after getting past the next four hills. Following the hills we had a bit of a break from climbing, enjoying some fast paved descents and a good flat stretch on Green River Road.
We were going to complete this beast! I started losing a bit of steam around mile eighty after feeling great all day. I had never ridden the famed Patton Hill climb around mile 100.
Patton was a beast, it was long and hard, with plenty of loose gravel. At the top were Real Pickles!!!! and fresh watermelon. Glorious. We rolled through the rest of the miles until about a mile or so out when we rode up on a young strong rider who we had gone back and forth with all day. Scott and I put in the chase then blew past him. He immediately attacked, overtaking us. I awaited Scotts counter attack that did not come. I dug in, and surprised myself by realing him back in. Of course he attacked again when I casually rode up next to him and smiled. We let him go through the finish gate first.
It was an amazing experience. Maybe I'll do it again someday! It has been a great year riding gravel. Peace, Tim

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